Registration is due by November 28, 2023.

Organizer 主辦單位

Implementer 執行單位

Japanese Translation Consultant 日譯顧問


Registration 報名

Registration is due by November 28, 2023.

Count Down:

  • 免費報名,座位有限,額滿為止。
  • 臺灣企業僅開放實體參加。有關會議場地,請參閱「地點」頁面。
  • 歡迎您選擇以「單位」或「個人」的身份報名。
  • 如果您以「單位報名」,您的單位名稱、商標和網站連結將顯示在本網站的「出席單位」頁面。此外,於您同意下且會議時間許可下,您的單位和率隊代表也將在會議中進行介紹。


  •  Free Registration.
  •  You have the option to attend the conference either in person or virtually. For detailed information, kindly refer to the ‘Venue‘ page.
  •  You are welcome to register as either an “Organization” or an “Individual“.
    If you choose to register as an “Organization,” your organization’s name, logo, and website will be displayed on the “Attendees” page of this website. Furthermore, with your consent, arrangements can be made for the introduction of your organization and its representative during the conference, while considering time constraints.
  • If you prefer not to have your organization’s name, logo, and website displayed on the ‘Attendees’ page of the conference website, please select the individual registration option.
  •  Free Registration.
  •  You have the option to attend the conference either in person or virtually. For detailed information, kindly refer to the ‘Venue‘ page.
  •  You are welcome to register as either an “Organization” or an “Individual“.
    If you choose to register as an “Organization,” your organization’s name, logo, and website will be displayed on the “Attendees” page of this website. Furthermore, with your consent, arrangements can be made for the introduction of your organization and its representative during the conference, while considering time constraints.
  • If you prefer not to have your organization’s name, logo, and website displayed on the ‘Attendees’ page of the conference website, please select the individual registration option.

Registration is due by November 28, 2023.

Organizer 主辦單位

Implementer 執行單位

Japanese Translation Consultant 日譯顧問

