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International Conference on Construction Law and Digital Technology
Taiwan 台灣
The Myths and The Mythologies of Government Procurement 政府採購的迷思與迷失
Dr. Li Chien-Chung 李建中博士
Dr. Li Chien-Chung 李建中博士
Hello everyone.Today, I am honored to be invited by the Research Development Center of Construction Law of Tamkang University to present a topic on “The Myths and The Mythologies of Government Procurement”. I am graduated from National Cheng Kung University with a degree in Civil Engineering, then obtained my PhD in at United States…
各位大家好我今天非常榮幸,有機會應淡江大學工程法律中心的邀請,到這裡來,向各位做個簡報的內容是「政府採購的迷思與迷失」。我自己是成功大學土木系畢業的, 後來在美國得到了土木博士的學位、回到國內以後在中央大學任教,後來有機會到榮工處擔任主任的工作…
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