The future of democracies in Southeast Asia: Critical Elections and Political Participation
Time for the 2019 Annual Conference: June 21-22 (Friday, Saturday)
2019 call for papers
The political development and democratization process in Southeast Asia has always been an important topic of concern for the scholars who major in international politics. Due to historical and colonial factors, Southeast Asian countries are prone to form authoritarian rule or strong dictatorship. In the past 40 years, the degree of democracies in Southeast Asia has generally increased, such as Malaysia, Vietnam, and Singapore. However, there are still political development and democratization problems such as the military powers of Thailand and Myanmar, which are still important difficulties for the governance of Southeast Asian countries.
In the three years from 2018 to 2020, there are at least 6-7 countries in Southeast Asia facing a critical moment of democratic transformation. So, as the researcher they aer observing the political participation, election and democratization of Southeast Asian countries in 2019, would be important of Southeast Asian studies. The typical cases are Thailand and Malaysia. King Maha Vajiralongkorn recently signed an agreement after the civil protest group recently launched the “We Vote” campaign. The Thai King finally signed the consent order on January 23 this year. The Election Committee announced that the general election will be held on March 24, 2019. After Thailand’s five-year“no democratic elections ”, there is finally possible opportunity returned to the Thai people.
In the 14th General Election of Malaysia on May 2018, the election results were as the national tsunami. The Pakatan Harapan, led by former Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad, won and then he returned to the position of prime minister; Mahathir cooperated with former political opponent Anwar Ibrahim and made the ruling party BN lose power over the past 61 years since1957, forming the first and panning power of the Malaysian state. In addition, if the Congress of Philippines agree the drafts of the constitutional amendment in July 2018, the future presidential term will be extended to 8 years. Rodrigo Duterte, the strong president of the Philippines, ignored the human rights of the people on the grounds of anti-drug. Duterte took office in June 2016 and has used administrative power to oppress the human rights of the Philippines. Other issues such as the Indonesian presidential election in 2019, the Cambodian general election of 2018, and the strong military and bad domestic governance in Myanmar are very important. They are all crucial topics to be worthy of further observation.
In view of this, the 2019 annual Conference on Southeast Asian Regional Studies (21st) explores the important factors that may affect the democratization and constitutional development of Southeast Asian countries in the future, based on the political democratization and future development in Southeast Asia. The theme of the annual meeting; looking forward to exploring the ruling party maximize domestic and foreign interests with better domestic and international governance, and gain an in-depth understanding of the future political and economic situation, social and cultural development in Southeast Asia.
This 2019 conference organizer, the ASEAN Studies Center at Tamkang University, will uphold this goal. In addition to inviting domestic researchers and scholars, we will also invite Southeast Asian countries and famous experts and scholars from the United States, Japan, South Korea, Europe… to participate in the event of conference.
Following are we suggesting your submission papers and group discussion subtopics:
1. Political field: political development and democratic transformation in Southeast Asian countries, traditional and non-traditional security in Southeast Asian.
2. Diplomacy: Foreign policy of Southeast Asian countries, relations between Southeast Asia and major external countries (US, Japan, EU, China, India, …etc).
3. Taiwan and Southeast Asia: Research on Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy Issues – Education (Taiwan Connection), Economics (Learning and Growing with Taiwanese Business), Taiwan’s “One Health”,…. and other issues.
4. China and Southeast Asia: issues such as competition or cooperation between the Belt and Road Initiative of China and Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy. How will Southeast Asian countries respond to China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative and Taiwan’s “new southbound policy”?…etc.
5. Economic field: Southeast Asian economic integration… and other related issues like RCEP…etc.
6. New Southbound Policy and Hakka: Hakka and Southeast Asia, Southeast Asian culture and other related social issues, …etc.
7. New Southbound Policy and Overseas Chinese Affairs: Southeast Asian Overseas Chinese, Youth Exchanges, …etc.
8. Languages: Southeast Asian Language Teaching, Language Learning, Teacher Community Development, …etc.
9. Ethnic groups: issues related to the participation of Chinese ethnic groups in Southeast Asian countries and local communities and other related issues, …etc.
10. Other: Research topics related to Southeast Asia.
Type of call for papers:
* Panels: papers composed of three to five papers and commentators
*Submission of individual papers: The preparatory committee will review individual papers and invite commentators
*Poster paper
*The above submissions are invited by the preparatory committee to be reviewed by professional scholars and accepted after adoption.
Conference date: June 21st to June 22nd, 2019 (Friday, Saturday)
Venue: Tamkang University Main (Tamsui) Campus
International Conference Hall
Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center (守謙國際會議中心)
Deadline for submission abstract: March 15, 2019
Contains abstracts of the papers and group discussion topics, length of abstract text about 600-800 words
Release date of review outcomes: March 31, 2019
Submit the full text of the paper: June 1, 2019
1. ASEAN Studies Center at Tamkang University
2. Graduate Institute of Political and Economics Affairs, Tamkang University,
3. Graduate Institute of Future Studies, Tamkang University
4. Engineering Law Research and Development Center, Tamkang University
Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica
Taiwan Association of Southeast Asian Studies
Department of Southeast Asian Studies and Center For Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan University
Center for Southeast Asian Studies, National Chengchi Unversity
Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences,National Tsing Hua University
* Conference contact unit and address phone number:
Mailing address:
No. 151, Ying-Chuan Road, Tamsui District, New Taipei City (T 1101)
ASEAN Studies Center, Tamkang University
*Contact Person: Assistant Researcher Mr. Shiau Shyr-Guang
ASEAN Studies Center at Tamkang University
*Contact number: 02-26215656 ext. 3624
*E-mail: Assistant Researcher Mr. Shiau Shyr-Guang <>,
Professor & Director Dr. Lin Juo-Yu <>
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